A Brief Discussion on C++ auto


This English vesion is a translation of the original Chinese article. It is translated by ChatGPT w/o any human proofreading. If you find any mistakes, please let me know.

The auto keyword has actually existed since the C language, where it was used to indicate that a variable had automatic storage duration, meaning that the variable is created when the block of code in which it is declared is entered and destroyed when that block is exited. However, since this is the default behavior for local variables, it was rarely used. Bjarne Stroustrup, the father of C++, cleverly repurposed this existing keyword in C++11 and gave it a new meaning: automatic type deduction. auto is very useful when dealing with complex types (such as various iterators) and variables that are difficult or even impossible to write out precisely (such as lambdas).

Basic Syntax

The auto keyword allows the compiler to automatically deduce the type of a variable based on the initialization expression. Here are some basic usage examples:

  1. Direct deduction from a value:
    auto x = 3.14; // x is of type double
    auto y = 42;   // y is of type int
    auto z(1);     // z is of type int
  2. Deduction from an expression:
    int foo();
    auto x1 = foo(); // x1 : int
  3. Deduction involving cv-qualifiers, references, or pointers:
    const auto& x2 = foo(); // x2 : const int& 
    auto& x3 = foo(); // x3 : int& - Error, cannot bind reference to temporary object
    float& bar();
    auto y1 = bar(); // y1 : float
    const auto& y2 = bar(); // y2 : const float& 
    auto& y3 = bar(); // y3 : float&
    A* fii();
    auto* z1 = fii(); // z1 : A*
    auto z2 = fii(); // z2 : A*
    auto* z3 = bar(); // Error, bar does not return a pointer type
    From the above examples, the type deduction rules of auto start to become apparent, which we will discuss in detail in the next section. It is also worth noting that const references can bind to temporary objects (const auto& x2 = foo()), whereas non-const references cannot. Semantically, modifying a temporary object makes no sense; in terms of lifespan, allowing non-const references to bind to temporaries would result in dangling references after the temporary object is destroyed, whereas const references extend the temporary object's lifespan to match the reference's.1
  4. Multiple variable declarations:
    // Multiple variable declarations
    auto a = 1, *b = &a; // Valid, declarations are processed from left to right
    auto x = 1, *y = &x; // Also valid, declarations are processed from left to right
    auto m = 1, y = 3.14; // Error, types are not compatible
    In multiple variable declarations, the type of auto is deduced from the first declaration, and subsequent declarations must be compatible. This is because declarations are processed from left to right.
  5. Use in dynamic allocation:
    auto* p = new auto(1);  // Using auto in dynamic allocation
    This is an uncommon but valid syntax.

Type Deduction Rules

The code covered in this section can be found here.

The type deduction rules of auto are actually consistent with the template parameter deduction rules. This means that, for:

template<typename T>
void foo(T param);

foo(expr);    // Deduction process of T
auto x = expr; // Deduction process of the type of x

The process of deducing the template parameter T in foo(expr) follows the same rules as the process of deducing the type of x in auto x = expr. These rules can be divided into the following three cases:

  • Declaration of the form auto x = expr:

    1. Discard reference qualification of expr
    2. Discard top-level const qualifier of expr
    3. Arrays decay to pointers
    4. Functions decay to function pointers
    const int a = 42;
    auto b = a;      // b is of type int, const is discarded
    const int& c = a;
    auto d = c;      // d is of type int, both const and reference are discarded
    int arr[10];
    auto e = arr;    // e is of type int*, array decays to pointer
    void foo();
    auto f = foo;    // f is of type void(*)(), function decays to function pointer
  • Declaration of the form auto& x = expr (reference deduction): It is obvious that x is of reference type, and the rules for deducing the type of the reference are:

    1. Keep the const qualifier of expr
    2. If expr itself is a reference, use its underlying type
    3. No array or function decay occurs
    const int a = 42;
    auto& b = a;     // b is of type const int&
    int& c = a;
    auto& d = c;     // d is of type int&
    int arr[10];
    auto& e = arr;    // e is of type int(&)[10]
    void foo();
    auto& f = foo;    // f is of type void(&)()
  • Declaration of the form auto&& x = expr (universal reference deduction)

    This case is a bit more complex. First of all, auto&& (or T&& in template parameter deduction) is a universal reference, meaning it can match an lvalue or an rvalue. During type deduction:

    1. If expr is an lvalue (assuming its type is param_t), auto is deduced as param_t& (a left reference).
    2. If expr is an rvalue, auto is deduced as a non-reference type, i.e., param_t (following the same rules as auto& x = expr).
    3. After this, when the compiler substitutes the deduced type into auto&& or T&& (imagine we get a type of param_t& && or param_t&&), reference collapsing occurs. The rule for reference collapsing is quite simple: if at least one of the two references is an lvalue reference, the result is an lvalue reference; otherwise, it is an rvalue reference. This means that T&& && collapses to T&&, T& && collapses to T&, T&& & collapses to T&, and T& & collapses to T& (the latter two cases do not appear in auto&& deduction).
    int a = 42;
    auto&& b = a;     // a is an lvalue, auto is deduced as int&, resulting in int& &&, which collapses to int&
    int&& rref = 42;     // rref is an rvalue reference, but it itself is an lvalue
    auto&& r = rref;     // auto is deduced as int&, resulting in int& &&, which collapses to int&
    auto&& c = 42;     // 42 is an rvalue, auto is deduced as int, resulting in int&&
    auto&& d = std::move(a);  // std::move(a) is an rvalue, auto is deduced as int, resulting in int&& &&, which collapses to int&&

Further Reading

  • Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers, Item 2: Understand auto type deduction.
  • cppreference.com, auto specifier.


[1] For class member references, the compiler cannot safely extend the lifetime of a temporary object to the lifetime of the entire class object. Therefore:
  struct S {
      const int& ref;
      S() : ref(42) { }  // Dangerous: member reference binds to a temporary object
  };  // The temporary object is destroyed when the constructor ends

is incorrect.

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